Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Simeon in the Attic

Me in the Church attic
Oh, how wonderful it is to serve the Lord and to be his servants. This week I was brought back to remember how much this Gospel truly touches and changes our lives.  We went door knocking this week in an apartment complex, which by far, since I have been on my mission is the most shocking thing I have ever seen. Even more shocking was seeing people living there. It took me back home to Guyana and the things we see and go through. This apartment complex had burned down buildings, busted windows everywhere and conditions I will not describe. There were also drugs and addicts. It was tough to see these, our brothers and sisters, living like this and doing these things. I am sure the adversary thinks he has got this fight in the bag; but I am here to say this will not be the case! I want us to remember what it means to have the Savior in our lives and truly think of all the blessings you have and continue to receive because you have the Restored Gospel in your life. You do what is required of you so you receive those blessings.  Now that we have remembered let us ask ourselves what are we doing to tell others about it? Every time we send a missionary off to share the gospel we always pray for him or her and for their success but the words of President Hinckley rings still in my ears that we, as members, need to not only pray for those we send off on missions but also for the missionaries in our own wards.  We need to help them in doing the Lord's work and we can do it! 

I worked Elder Nelson so hard, he is down for the count!
I met two young boys in that apartment complex who were probably not older than 8-years-old but to see their smiling faces, brightened my day. I know what they are going through and despite where they come from and how they live they are determined to do what is right and to live a better life. This wonderful Gospel helps everyone do so.  As the Savior said in the scriptures, "It is your Heavenly Father's good pleasure to give you his kingdom which is Heaven, and so should it not be our good pleasure to open the gates and share His Kingdom with others."

Such was the personal prompting I received as I thought about it. I know we can do it and together we will! We will give the adversary no victories over our brothers and sisters for we will fight the battles and the wars and we will be victorious for the Lord is always on our side. "The Standard of Truth has indeed been erected, no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing.  Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble and calumny may defame. But the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly and independent … till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country and sounded in every ear. Till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah shall say THE WORK IS DONE" We are here to do exactly that!!!

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