Thursday, September 3, 2015

Selwin Says

I don't know where this week went, to be honest, but it seems like we just got it started. Alright, whose been paying visits to the Time Wizard?

We rode and walked our socks off this week and that's no lie. By the end of the week two pairs of socks were in the trash. I had exchanges this week with the zone leaders and while there I found out I’ve lost three (3) pounds. Elder Hainsworth looked at me and said, "that can't be good.”

On splits with Elder Hainsworth
We also had Zone Conference this week. It was just awesome.  I learned a ton and met someone from my brother's mission which was super sweet because he thought I was Simeon who had been sent to spy on him by his mission president. So after being confused, he approached me in the middle of his discussion and said, "please tell me I haven't met you before.” I responded, "I don't think so" then told him where my brother is serving.  He breathed a huge sigh of relief, so now everyone in two zones knows I'm a twin.

The week was so very spirit filled even when one gentleman told us how wrong we were.  He couldn't explain how the Lord testifies truth to us even after saying it himself. We read with him in the book of Acts about the day of Pentecost and what happened to the people there, to which he responded, "It was guilt."  We asked how they knew it was guilt because they couldn't see it, touch it, smell it, or even taste it.  They had to feel it so there's your winner, my people. The best part of the week came when we paid a visit to the home of an excommunicated member to let him know God truly had a purpose for him. After going over scriptures with him and testifying to him I felt prompted to share Proverbs 3:5-6 with him:

5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

What a promise we have been given and all we have to do is to trust in the Lord. At the end of our visit he looked at me and said that was a really good scripture. I know the Lord knows us and He knows our struggles but He has promised if we just trust Him and acknowledge Him, He will direct us regardless of where we've been or where we are going.  That is His eternal promise to us and I know it.

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