We had an interesting week, one where we found ourselves in a lot of
members homes just teaching them. We were at one home where for some reason the
sister missionaries were there, too. We shared a spiritual thought on the Atonement
of Christ while the sisters did theirs on the pioneers which then brought about
the bearing of testimonies by the members and the sister missionaries and my companion.
People were crying because the spirit was so strong so I closed the meeting
with my testimony about the wonderful gift of love the Savior has for us all.
Ding, dong. Is a bandaid better than duct tape? |
Later on in the week as we were riding home I felt the urge to call up Brother
Fairbanks, another member in the ward.
He invited us over. His wife is
out-of-town so he was glad to have some company. He then shared with us a few
of his life stories, about his joys and struggles but it was his story about
his mission that really left an impression on me. In the words his mission president said to
him, "You have been chosen by the Lord to fill this calling.”
As I recapped my day, these words of the
Savior came to mind.
John 15:16: Ye have not
chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring
forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of
the Father in my name, he may give it you."
It reminded me of the faith the Savior has in me, enough that He
chose me to teach, preach and to testify of His true Gospel which has been
restored to the earth today. There is no other, nor will there ever be a
calling so great than that of doing the Lord’s work.
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