Monday, January 11, 2016

Simeon Meets a Countryman

Me in the snow!
I got up today, did my push-up's and went outside. What awaited me was not what I expected at all!!! It was 26* degrees outside! The weather is getting colder and even more so than last year, so I will have to do even more bundling up than I thought I needed to do. On a happier note we saw one guy making snow (fake snow). At least he is feeling the spirit or at least thats what he said before he ran inside.

This week was a good one. We got out and worked even harder.  Though we only found a few interested persons we are still very happy!  We were blessed to see two persons we are teaching come to church yesterday so that was really good. Despite the fact they are both in wheel chairs they got there.  It was awesome to see their dedication and willingness to find out if this is indeed Christ's true church.  One of them we know very well quoted her favorite words. We know this because every time we teach her, we ask her (her name is Sandra) if she has any questions.  She always says “no, it's self explanatory.” I helped her out yesterday as we asked her how church was.  She started off with, “it was nice and everything was … “ and at this point I added, “self explanatory.”  She laughed and said, “yes.”  That was nice and I then had to wheelie her over the church lawn to get her into her transportation vehicle. Later in the day we went to see someone referred to us by some other missionaries.  Boy, oh boy, he lives way out yonder but none-the-less we went. To my surprise when I got there I saw a Guyanese flag on the license plate! I was like, “no way” but, yes, way! Because I am Guyanese he talked with us. We are going back to see him and his family!!!  Coincidence … I think NOT!

I like this quote from the Prophet Joseph Smith that made me forget about the cold! "What do we hear in the Gospel we have received today? Truth out of the earth.  Mercy from heaven.  A voice of gladness for the living and dead.  Shall we not go on in so great a cause?"  

My brothers and sisters we shall indeed go on for there is no point in having so much joy from the Lord and not share it with others. You can do it, I know you can and most Importantly your Savior and Heavenly Father knows you can as well, for with God all things are POSSIBLE!  

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