Monday, July 6, 2015

Selwin: Iced Tea and Snakes, Oh My

A really nice lady gave us a large glass of iced tea!
Well, I'll just tell you, this week was good. My companion sprained his ankle so that meant no riding or walking anywhere.  It was pretty bad, but he's doing a whole lot better now. Still hobbling but doing way better.

Despite him being down I was determined we were going to do all we could, so we embarked on a find-those-less-actives journey. The members got my companion some crutches so he could move around a little and that helped a whole lot. It was tough on us both, with him in pain and with me just wanting to work, but my joy was filled by those we visited.  They listened to what we had to share with them about the gospel of Jesus Christ. As I sat pondering over our week I was impressed to pick up last month’s Ensign magazine, where I read a story about a woman who was taught a lesson about love.

Found this little dude on the porch of a home we were tracting
Then I read the words of our beloved prophet President Thomas S. Monson who said: "There is a serious need for the charity that gives attention to those who are unnoticed, hope to those who are discouraged, aid to those who are afflicted. True charity is love in action. The need for charity is everywhere."

This statement filled my soul and as I thought about those we visited, I wondered about how they were feeling before we showed up at their doors and how they were feeling after we left. We do not know the change we will bring to the lives of those around us when we are in the service of God, so don't give up on anyone!!!. The Lord expects us to love all despite our differences. He is a God of love and he has been from the beginning of time and will forever be this we know because He is the same yesterday, today and forever and He expects us to love just as He does.  So share that love!

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